MULTIMEDIA | Why Grace Elmore ’25 Talks About Sex
The Sun sat down with Grace Elmore ’25 who, under the pseudonym “Annie Position,” has been writing her weekly column “Let’s Talk About Sex” since 2022.
The Cornell Daily Sun (
The Sun sat down with Grace Elmore ’25 who, under the pseudonym “Annie Position,” has been writing her weekly column “Let’s Talk About Sex” since 2022.
In a world where a lack of ethical reasoning can lead to disastrous consequences, we must ask: Are we doing enough to foster genuine moral integrity within students at Cornell?
When I first came to Cornell, all bright eyed and hopeful, experiencing sexism was simply an afterthought. Boy was I proven wrong.
Surveillance grows more invasive even as it becomes less visible. And somewhere, there’s video.
The recent failed attempts at University neutrality are a mere reflection that political neutrality is a reinforcement of more politically powerful (and likely hateful) forces.
Flip over your ballot and vote “yes” to Proposition One.
Cornell University is not for the faint of heart, or the weak of bladder. I would argue that there is a serious lack of bathrooms, or at least poor placement of existing bathrooms across many areas of campus, particularly on the Arts Quad. These are some locations where the need for bathrooms (or more of existing ones) is dire.
The policy of liberals is to remove the privileges of all alumni of the university, especially the Black ones.
A harvest moon supermoon lunar eclipse shone brightly in Ithaca on Tuesday, Sept. 17. With a name like that, a harvest moon supermoon lunar eclipse certainly sounds like an overwhelmingly awesome astronomical event.
Cornell prepares students to be citizens of a democracy — a form of government where we don’t always get our way, and one that is often messy and flawed, but is also preferable to all of the alternatives.