WANG | The Seven Degrees of Cornell

“Hey, Adrian?”


I’ve stopped in my tracks now, and I’m looking back at the Arts Quad. It’s a typical Monday afternoon during dry December, and the streams of people flooding into the center of the school has gotten me doing mathematical gymnastics in my head. “How many people did you say were at Cornell?”

He pauses for a second. “21,000, I think, if you count grads and professors.”

I cock back my head in surprise: no seriously? But he was right.

GUEST ROOM | Trump: A Cinematic Perspective

Like many students on this campus, I was devastated at the victory of Donald J. Trump in his rise to the office of President of the United States. I sat there with my friends who had just been canvassing in New Hampshire as we all asked ourselves how in the world this happened. I was shocked like everyone else, but I shouldn’t have been. I should’ve seen this coming. I’m not qualified to speak on the politics of this election.