SEX ON THURSDAY | F*ck First Dates

While most of you make plans to meet up with your matches, be sure to leave your room — and your holes and poles — nice and clean in case your date wants to go back home with you.

KUBINEC | The Low-Risk Love Life

Perfect Match is symbolic of how Cornellians pair off — in as low-risk a way as possible. We want the perks of a romantic relationship within the safe confines of our own plans. Perfect Match hand-delivers you five meet-cutes from the comfort of your bedroom while letting any potential disappointment fall to the math gods. The stakes literally couldn’t be lower.

And the sort of person who would be attracted by this highly efficient dating scheme is also the sort of person who goes to Cornell, isn’t it? We have been taught, often from young ages, to avoid risk — take the right classes, say the right things in interviews, don’t rock the boat too much, major in something sure to land a big salary. Our love lives play out atop the subconscious belief that the safest way is the best way.

SEX ON THURSDAY | Imperfect Match

If using Tinder, Bumble and Hinge all at once wasn’t working for you, it’s your fault for thinking that some campus computer science club could do the trick. But you had nothing left to lose, so you handed over your recreational drug use patterns, your three words of insincere self-description and your shitty sleep schedule to a student-run AI system — as if it could actually locate your soulmate among the countless other sleep-deprived “formal to-do list” keepers at Cornell sharing your passion for “art.”

Another Year, Another Perfect Match

After having over 5,600 participants last year, Cornell Perfect Match is preparing for another successful round of matching Cornell students up with their potential soul mates.