John Hopfield Ph.D. ’58 Wins 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics
John Hopfield Ph.D. ’58 was awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics. He becomes the 51st Nobel laureate affiliated with Cornell.
The Cornell Daily Sun (
John Hopfield Ph.D. ’58 was awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics. He becomes the 51st Nobel laureate affiliated with Cornell.
Graduate student and lab member Japheth Omonira took Sun science editor Laine Havens on a tour of the Itai Cohen lab, biophysics lab that focuses on matter in motion, including biological tissues, microscopic robots and insect flight
On the road since 2014, the Ithaca Physics Bus is a mobile classroom that educates people of all ages in the Ithaca community about physical phenomena through quirky and interactive exhibits.
When people complain about the arduous journey of the pre-med track, buzzwords emerge like numbers on a bingo card. If anything, “words” is a stretch; instead, acronyms and nicknames like MCAT and orgo stick out in our humanities-deprived vocabulary. What you often don’t hear, though, are complaints over the inability actually to enroll in a course. Given Cornell’s academic rigor, complaints should center on course content, regardless of major or pre-professional track. Yet, with Cornell’s chronic over-enrollment, class availability has become the limiting reactant in graduation progress, career goals, declaring majors and minors or simple interest in academic exploration.
The other day, I spoke with a friend who asked about how I liked my time at Cornell. To that I said, “I got lucky.” I got lucky starting a fantasy football league with two podmates on the fourth floor of Kay Hall. I got lucky randomly sitting next to a student at Appel, who later that night introduced me to a fellow physics major. They are all now my closest friends. I got lucky that home was a two hour bus ride away, and I could go see family and reset whenever I needed. I got lucky that I had a support system around me that talked me out of stupid decisions like pulling unnecessary all-nighters, and talked me into stupider ones like bat hunting in McGraw Hall.
Researchers broke a barrier within soft robotics by harnessing viscosity to force the precise movement of a flexible limb.
After receiving a $10 million donation from David Meehl ’72, Cornell is looking to make big strides in the field of quantum physics by increasing their resources on campus including faculty and laboratory equipment in efforts to become the leading university in this research area.
The latest hype surrounding hot peppers is not some form of an internet challenge, but the latest Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
As a finalist in the international Breakthrough Junior Challenge, Ellen Jannereth ’25 is making quantum physics more accessible to general audiences and is vying for a $250,000 scholarship in the process.
Steven Weinberg ’54, the theoretical physicist whose Nobel prize-winning work transformed scientists’ understanding of fundamental forces, died on July 23. He was 88.