From Plant to Pickle: A Pet Project for Any Person

Have you have wondered where your food comes from, or how it got on your plate? Have you ever been upset upon hearing how much water was used to process those veggies or that steak? Have you ever thought, “Hey, I could do a better job than that?” Well, this is your call to action.

Can You Be Empowered by Plants?

Indeed, Cornell Dining has taken the next step in expanding their plant-based fare. Two West Campus dining halls have begun to offer entirely vegetarian and vegan options on select dinners for the rest of this spring semester. Plant-Powered Dinners are offered at Flora Rose on Fridays and at Bethe on Sundays.

The Secret Life of Plants

In the early 1980s, plant to plant communication was a controversial topic of research because well, suggesting plants can talk is rather absurd, right? Apparently not. According to Prof. Andre Kessler, ecology and evolutionary biology, plants issue chemical warnings that help their colonies survive pest attacks. “At my Ph.D., we were already looking for volatile compound emissions. These are emitted in response to some sort of damage.