First-Year Students Use Spring Break to Reflect on their First Few Semesters at Cornell
During a period of relaxation, some first-year students spent their time reflecting on their first two semesters at Cornell.
The Cornell Daily Sun (
During a period of relaxation, some first-year students spent their time reflecting on their first two semesters at Cornell.
The red cup scenario reminds me of the necessity of a break. Weekends are like pouring out a few drops from my red cup, but by Tuesday, the cup is full again, and on Wednesday, the contents of the cup are dribbling down the sides. Thursday comes, and the cup is wishing it was a bottomless bowl. Again, the cup is me, and my bottomless bowl would be longer weekends, more time in the day or being more capable than I am.
Corinthians 3:16: “Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?”
Do you feel weighed down by stress? Do you ever get lost in thought for long periods of time? Do you find yourself judging others, or even yourself? Do you constantly replay moments from the past or imagine hypothetical future situations in your head? Do you catch yourself repeating negative thought patterns?