Although some students felt that February Break was too short to provide a sufficient breather from school, other Cornellians seized the four day break to travel and relax.
Explosion in the Sky’s new album, The Wilderness, released April 1, challenges the limits of “study music.” Unlike other instrumental albums, The Wilderness takes listeners away from themselves, and their problem sets, to a busy, vibrant, emotional space of — true to its title — uncharted territory. The Wilderness tells a story better than many lyricists. But, in many ways, the story is written by the listener, who molds each beat to her transient perception. Explosion in the Sky’s daring to blend the serene with the passionate complicates their symphonies not just with the pretexts of rock-and-roll but also with a powerful message that seems, over and over, to undo the album’s calm. From the moment “The Wilderness” begins with its fast-paced electric guitar and rhythmic tambourine, senses blend.