The Student Assembly approved the Elections Committee’s revised election guidelines on Feb. 29, which included a tabling requirement along with a documented form of student engagement.
The Student Assembly passed Resolution 16 to exclude Cornell’s LGBTQ+ student union from the requirement to provide a list of member names while applying for funding.
Among the laundry list of resolutions the Student Assembly ran through yesterday was an abolishment of the student activity fee and a motion to add an S.A. representative to the Cornell Incident Managing and Leadership teams. This would allow the S.A. to help make recommendations to shut the school down during inclement weather.
The Graduate and Professional Student Assembly tackled the issues of the possible restructuring of the social sciences and the proposed consensual relationships policy, while passing four resolutions at their meeting on Monday.
I haven’t made a real New Year’s resolution in years. Sure, if you asked me in the week leading up to and following December 31 I would have told you some boilerplate goal (Exercise more!). And it’s not that there weren’t a handful of ways I could have improved each year; it’s just that I never took the resolution list to heart. But in 2016, I have a very serious New Year’s resolution. So serious, in fact, that I’m now publicizing it for the Cornell Daily Sun reader base.