The final touches include installing road pavement, placing raised road crosswalks, applying road striping, adding two bus shelters and “landscaping touch up as needed,” said Alex Chevallard, the project manager overseeing the rehabilitation.
Rave Guardian users can create safety sessions during which their selected guardians — friends, family, or the Cornell University Police, for instance — can view their status and location in an emergency situation.
I remember, way back during my freshman orientation at the University of Connecticut in Storrs, how amazed I was by the campus’s blue light system. At the time I was fairly ignorant regarding the sexual assault woes that plague university campuses nationwide. Nevertheless, the idea that I could, from virtually any point on campus, have a straight line of sight to one, and sometimes two or three, blue light boxes inspired a strong sense of safety. It was admittedly also somewhat fun checking out how many blue lights I could see from different points on campus. Needless to say, I was a bit shocked when I came to Cornell two years later, as a junior transfer, and found that the blue lights on campus were, at best, scarce.
There are many aspects to “adulting” that I’ve learned over the past two years since my acceptance to Cornell. I applied for a student visa and traveled alone on a plane for the first time, set up and started managing my own bank account, signed my first housing contract with a landlord, got my first paid job, began to shop for groceries and cook regularly — the list could go on. I thought that achieving such milestones allowed me to become one step closer to adulthood, that I had done a pretty good job of making it through these rites of passage. I was completely wrong. One thing that I had discarded was a sense of concern for safety.
ByYamini Bhandari, Prawallika Gangidi & Matthew Indimine |
As the year winds down the campus is teeming with activity. The end of the year is marked by wine tours, Slope Day, formals and Senior Week, while also knocking back Red Bulls and all nighters in Uris. Whether it be long nights in the library in preparation for finals or a time for celebrating accomplishments; Cornell students at this time of year are living their lives in excess. Living at the extremes is nothing new for a cohort of high-achieving students vying for top positions in their fields. The process of getting there is often littered with long nights and inadequate (and often dangerous) coping mechanisms. High risk drinking is an issue at universities across the country, but at top universities like Cornell, there is the added element that it seems like self care is a luxury not afforded to the best students.
Re: “Aided by White Nationalist Groups, Union of White Cornell Students to Release Demands, Host March,” News, March 18
To the Editor:
I am writing on behalf of myself and members of the Cornell Employee Assembly. I was recently approached by one of my constituents who was concerned about an article in The Cornell Sun highlighting the “Union of White Students at Cornell.” After reading your article and their page, I too am alarmed by the manifestation of white privilege and ignorance attributed to the Cornell community. This kind of racist publicity negatively impacts our current and prospective students, staff and their families. Subsequent coverage has further boosted the group’s message. I have found articles, many referencing The Cornell Sun, in the Ithaca Voice, The College Fix, The Daily Pennsylvanian, The Ithacan, The Daily Caller and The Tab; as well as on Reddit, blogs, forums and more.
I love the TCAT. When it comes on time, I think to myself, Cornell is great! It might be a little cold, but it is definitely not too bad since a bus comes by every ten minutes. But, I also hate the TCAT. When it is late or leaves early, I think to myself, Cornell SUCKS.
As the end of the year approaches, campus officials have begun a thorough review of various public safety measures in light of the University’s recent budget cuts. Representatives from the three colleges in Ithaca — Ithaca College, Tompkins County Community College and Cornell — met last night in the Africana Center for a panel discussion of the challenges facing their respective student bodies.