Snacks: Your Hangry Insurance Policy

At the end of the day, everyone needs to eat. Amid a chaotic college schedule, it’s easy to ignore your hunger cues and forget to eat full meals. Snacks with sustenance don’t have to be overwhelming. Make use of your hangry insurance policy.

Cornell Study: Reduced Taste Causes Higher Calorie Intake

For those of us with a sweet tooth, an extra helping of dessert can seem irresistible. Nutritionists and doctors though, do not dismiss this as an arbitrary craving. In fact, many have hypothesized that a key cause behind these cravings is a diminished ability to taste sweet compounds. A new study by Prof. Robin Dando, food science, hopes to shed light on this mechanism and could have serious implications on how obesity is managed. “Several research projects in the past have found that taste is weakened in the obese.