The President’s Council of Cornell Women’s 26th annual symposium will bring together female faculty, alumnae and students for talks, mentoring and networking events this weekend. This year, event organizers chose “The Arts” as the theme, after the inauguration of Klarman Hall, according to Erin O’Connor ’85, chair of PCCW’s annual meeting committee. “We have changed the format somewhat this year — while we have always had a theme to organize speakers around, this year as a tie-in to the Arts theme, we have added several events including a tour of the Johnson Museum and a film festival at Cornell Cinema,” she said. In addition to member-specific events, O’Connor mentioned that this year efforts were made to include more events that were open to the general Cornell community. “[We] opened up more of our talks to the Cornell community — including a film event, the undergrad PCCW-New Agenda event and the Saturday afternoon ‘Issues in the Arts’ talk,” she said.