JAIN | On Heartbreak

Everyone deals with loss and sadness in different ways. Some people turn to their friends for support, while others look to find solace in the privacy of their own thoughts. Through my experiences, March always tends to be a particularly melancholy month. While spring has finally sprung and the sun is out and about, there’s a bizarre feeling of sorrow everywhere. One might claim this is due to Ithaca’s lack of warmth until April, but I’ve seen a similar misery in my perpetually sweltering home state of Texas.

Beers, Band and Patios

South by Southwest (SXSW) occurs annually in Austin, Texas. All of your favorite websites have liveblogged the event, millions of camera-phone photos are available to recreate each second of each show in panoramic vision and enough scratchy audio has been recorded to fill your 80-gig iPod. I myself was probably photographed several times by magazines, zines, blogs, police cameras, nightlife photographers and friends. And not because I’m particularly particular, or because I have friends. But because I was there, and it’s 2009. The Internet knows more about my experience in Austin than I do.