Six boxes of donuts, ten extra large cheese pizzas and a couple of gallons of coffee into Saturday, The Sun elected its 137th editorial board. But throughout the last six weeks, editors in training learned about more than just adhering to the official diet of our newspaper: the nitty-gritty of Sun Style — for many, a tragic break from the Oxford comma — and working with writers, designers, photographers and technological geniuses to make sure Cornellians and Ithacans have a copy of The Sun in their hands. Taking The Sun into another year of exploring its print and digital presence as editor in chief is Anu Subramaniam ’20, who will step from her news editor shoes into another pair of athleisure kicks that will take the paper to greater distances — perhaps even greater than the distance she drove from the office once to buy cheese. We’re excited to see what a gouda job you will do, Anu. Long gone are the days of reporting on Apple Fest for managing editor Sarah Skinner ’21, who surfed her way from The Outer Banks, N.C. to Ithaca, and then from assistant news editor to now the overseer of the news, sports and science departments.