SENZON | Developing a Relationship of Trust with Yourself
Warmth: The feeling all Cornellians long anticipate after the dreadfully cold and dull winters of Ithaca. Arguably, the sensation of warmth is the most rewarding of all. A haze of happiness and stress-freeness consumes me the moment the weather becomes warm once again — it’s like all of my problems from the winter melt away.
It can become unbelievably hard to get any work done in the warmth when it feels like life is finally being unpaused. The warm weather, I can assure you, does not help with my reliance on coffee, either. The intense urge to find the nearest eatery on campus and buy an iced coffee on a warm day in Ithaca is the strongest temptation to resist, a close second being the impulse to grab a picnic blanket and sunbathe with friends on the slope. In times like these when it can be twice as hard to find productivity and get shit done, we have to hold ourselves accountable.