Cornell Trio Works To Cure Quarantine Loneliness
The three computer science students created the website “Quarantine Buddy,” a platform that aims to introduce strangers to each other.
The Cornell Daily Sun (https://cornellsun.com/tag/website/)
The three computer science students created the website “Quarantine Buddy,” a platform that aims to introduce strangers to each other.
Last semester, we had the opportunity to sit in on a meeting between President Pollack and a group of graduate and professional student leaders. These meetings are regular opportunities for students to communicate issues directly to senior administrators. Topics range anywhere from event management to support for student-parents to diversity and inclusion on campus. At the end of this meeting in particular, as students were packing up and preparing to leave, one of us casually mentioned, “At some point, we should probably talk about OrgSync too.” Everyone paused. The energy in the room changed.
Recent updates have been made both to Cornell’s Off-Campus Housing listing site and safety program site. Students can now use the recently-created safety program site to check if any rental property in the City of Ithaca has a Certificate of Compliance, as well as inquire about a property’s other safety features.
One out of every 10 students has seriously considered suicide in the past year, according to a 2006 survey released by The American College Health Association.
Universities are increasingly aware of the importance of suicide prevention programs for faculty and staff.
There is an “emerging trend of universities” training faculty and staff on how to “identify, approach and refer students who exhibit signs of mental distress to their campus counseling center,” Ron Goldman, CEO of Kognito Interactive, stated in an e-mail.
To address this need, Kognito has released At-Risk, an online training simulation, in 2008. At-Risk has already been adopted by several New York institutions, including John Jay College, City College of New York, Lehman College and New York University.