Collegetown Dispensary Strives to ‘Educate People With Cannabis,’ Sell Sustainable Products
A variety of locally sourced cannabis products are now available for sale as Collegetown Dispensary becomes Collegetown’s first legal dispensary.
The Cornell Daily Sun (
A variety of locally sourced cannabis products are now available for sale as Collegetown Dispensary becomes Collegetown’s first legal dispensary.
Cornell researchers released a report detailing a snapshot of the region’s clouds during the once-in-a-lifetime eclipse on April 8.
Cornelians have spoken: Sun exit polling predicts that Dank Green Goddess Raspberry Matcha will take the cake, and the Sun could not agree more. On April 20, students from Food Science 1101 shared their ice cream creations with an eager crowd of students, waiting to test flavors. The three flavors that have been developed this year are, Dank Green Goddess Raspberry Matcha, All-Star American VBC (Vanilla, Blueberry, Cherry) and Bananas for Brownies Buds ‘n Blunts. The winning ice cream flavor will be announced at Slope Day instead of Commencement, as done in previous years. Since Flo Rida recently notified the Student Assembly that a Boogie Wit Da Hoodie would be replaced at Slope Day with Snoop Dog, students are keen to make Cornell as welcoming as possible for the A-list celebrities.
Aspire Cannabis Dispensary, which aims to offer a “boutique style shopping experience,” will be the second marijuana dispensary to call Ithaca home.
Against popular opinion, I must say I am truly enjoying all of the content you are publishing. From topics on free speech to Greek life — you’re doing it all. And you’re doing it poignantly. That being said, I need you to relax this week. All these serious topics on local and national events is, how do I put this, killing my vibe. Today is perhaps the most important national holiday after St. Patrick’s Day. I know how important your job is, but could you possibly consider taking the day off today? Maybe meet me on the slope for a quick smoke and I can pitch you my idea on why twinkies are the best drug day snack.
After explorations at Cornell and years of startup experiences, Karli Miller-Hornick ’12 has fulfilled her entrepreneurial spirit through her cannabis business, which she co-founded in Ithaca in 2017.
The Cayuga Nation will begin constructing a cannabis facility early this year in Seneca Falls and will be one of the first legal dispensaries in New York State.
Plant Science 4190: Cannabis: Biology, Society and Industry will be offered in Fall 2019 by Prof. Carlyn S. Buckler, plant science. The course will explore the history, culture, breeding, horticulture, legal issues and challenges associated with cannabis.
“If weed makes you happy, I want you to be happy,” Sharpe said to applause from town hall audience members.