Cornell Minds Matter Offers Weekly Wegmans Runs

Members of the Cornell community are now able to take advantage of a unique opportunity offered by Cornell Minds Matter to get their grocery shopping done. Weekly Wegmans Run, started this semester, allows individuals free transportation to and from Wegmans on Mondays.

My Summer Romance: Wegmans Edition

Spending the summer in Ithaca to enjoy the only two months of warm weather here is number 31 on the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do. I can proudly say that I’ve accomplished the feat this summer, and did it in a small two bedroom apartment with no AC to boot. The warm weather did little to ease the stuffy heat of the place, which directly faces the sun and held no relief from the most humid and hellish of days, but I like to think I learned a lot more in the tiny kitchen of that apartment because of the temperature. Simple lessons that I should’ve learned a long time ago stuck with me due to the heat, and here are just a few of them.

Wegmans Cuts Food Prices in Light of Endangered SNAP Funding

Pasta, potatoes, eggs and bread are just a few of the items that Wegmans chose to discount from Feb. 16 to March 2 in response to a shortage in national food stamp funding and lingering food insecurity after the government shutdown.

The Return of Sushi to Cornell Dining

When considering price, flavor and convenience, the new sushi from Wegmans is relegated to being a snack or meal that can tide you over, but it definitely should not be the first choice you look for when you’re buying food at a Cornell eatery.