Ignite Worship Night Connects Christian Organizations Amid Campus Tragedies
More than 600 students, coming from various Christian student organizations, attended the Ignite worship night.
The Cornell Daily Sun (
More than 600 students, coming from various Christian student organizations, attended the Ignite worship night.
Humans, as Nature, abhor a void, and have plenty of enticing options to fill it with: hedonism, nihilism and capitalism all proffer tempting invitations to grab all you can while the getting’s good, free from the responsibility or consequences that come with a creator and an afterlife.
Currently, HSC is one of the only student religious organizations that shoulders the dual role of serving as both an entirely student-run organization and a provider of spiritual and religious care to Cornellians and Ithacans alike, according to Piragash Swargaloganathan ’19, who has helped spearhead HSC’s efforts to establish a chaplaincy.