A new slate of representatives has been voted onto the Student Assembly, with Zora deRham ’27 winning the presidential race and Adam Vinson ’25 becoming the new executive vice president.
deRham, the current freshman representative, said she will bring a “fresh outlook on Cornell” aided by the institutional knowledge she has gleaned so far from serving on the Assembly.
Plans for her presidency include advocating for Cornell University Emergency Medical Service — a student-operated service that provides free care — to receive funding to establish an ambulance corps. She also aims to expand the payment options at Trillium and Terrace to include meal swipes, modified meal swipes or reduced Big Red Bucks for people who have meal swipes.
deRham also served as a member of the Appropriations Committee throughout the fall semester, where she worked to allocate funds to student organizations. Following the resignation of Vice President of Finance Rocco DeLorenzo ’24, deRham was elected to the position for the remaining weeks of the spring semester.
deRham won the presidential seat with 45.5 percent of qualified votes, with Getulio Gonzalez-Mulattieri ’25 trailing behind with 34.9 percent of the vote. Audrey Pinard ’25, who was disqualified from the race last week but was reinstated on Wednesday, came in third. The Office of the Assemblies does not release the vote counts for disqualified candidates, so it is unknown how many votes were received by current executive vice president Claire Ting ’25 and Emily D’Angelo ’25, who were both disqualified after voting began.

The runner-up for president, Gonzalez-Mulattieri, will obtain an undesignated representative seat. A 35-year-old progressive activist and U.S. Air Force veteran, Gonzalez-Mulattieri told The Sun that divestment from weapons companies that supply arms to the Israeli Defensive Forces is his “main issue” on his platform.
On April 24, The Sun reported that multiple first-year students have accused Gonzalez-Mulattieri of unwanted advances and harassing behavior for a series of interactions during the academic year. The women, all Brooks School of Public Policy students, said they often felt uncomfortable when in isolated settings with him.
Gonzalez-Mulattieri denied many of the freshman women’s accounts, asserted that he is “extremely friendly” and apologized for misinterpretations of his actions.
Adam Vinson ’25, currently the CALS representative on the Assembly, narrowly won the executive vice president seat by 10 votes. As an S.A. representative, he has chaired and restructured the S.A. Environmental Committee, passed a resolution to protect local endangered species and funded the Ag Quad Farmer’s Market.

In his past term on the Assembly, Vinson collaborated with SUNY student assemblies to pass state-wide suicide prevention legislation on college campuses, helped to create a student worker seat on the S.A. and amended the S.A. Charter to allow students to submit resolutions directly to the S.A. without a community sponsor.
Vinson told The Sun his top priority is improving student life and morale.
The runner-up for executive vice president, current LGBTQIA+ liaison Karys Everett ’25, will receive an undesignated seat. Everett told The Sun that “at heart, I am an activist” and that amplifying marginalized voices is a top priority.
Everett is known for co-sponsoring a resolution on Oct. 12 that called on the University to “recognize the Palestinian right to resistance and contextualize the violence as a direct response to decades of Israel’s occupation.” The resolution did not make it out of committee, largely due to backlash from Jewish groups over a line referring to Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack as a “pivotal milestone” in Palestinian resistance.
In an interview with The Sun in October, Everett apologized for controversial language in the resolution and proposed creating a resolution to unify diverse community groups at Cornell.
In addition to the two executive positions, a slate of 25 more students was elected to serve on the Student Assembly this upcoming year.
The full list of winners is as follows:
President of the Student Assembly: Zora deRham ’27
Executive Vice President of the Student Assembly: Adam Vinson ’25
Brooks School of Public Policy Representative: Eeshaan Chaudhuri ’27
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Representative: Niles Hite ’26
College of Arts and Sciences Representative: Luigi Berinde ’26, David Suarez ’27 and Saad Razzak ’26
College of Art, Architecture and Planning Representative: Stephen Zhuang ’26
College of Engineering Representative: Jeffery Lederman ’26 and Cion Kim ’27
College of Human Ecology Representative: Jessica Silverman ’26
Dyson School of Business Representative: Rajat Acherjee ’26
First-Generation Student Representative: Sara Almosawi ’25
International Students Representative: Kathy Liu ’26
Representatives At-Large: Imani Rezaka ’25, Christian Flournoy ’27, Ezra Galperin ’27, Eric Yao ’27, Simone Chan ’25 and Flora Meng ’27
School of Hotel Administration Representative: Christian Tarala ’27
School of Industrial and Labor Relations Representative: Davian Gekman ’27
Students with Disabilities Representative: Michael Scali ’26
Student Workers Representative: Danielle Donovan ’25
Undergraduate Representatives to the University Assembly: Sriramulu Modadugula ’27 and Nicholas Maggard ’26
Veterans Representative: David Almeida ’27
Students also voted on multiple surveys included in their ballots. A majority of students voted to include median grades on transcripts, remove the 18-credit limit in the ILR school, raise the minimum wage of student workers to $18.50 and keep the swim test’s current standard. Additionally, most students answered that they were “unsure” about the current Interim Expressive Activity policy, but more students disapproved of the policy than approved of it.
Correction, April 27, 11:03 p.m.: A previous version of this article said that Zora deRham received 49.5 percent of the presidential votes. She received 45.5 percent of the votes.