January 19, 2020


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Twenty years old and retired — that’s the dream. For the 137th Editorial Board of The Cornell Daily Sun, this will become our reality as we step back from checking Slack and our emails every 30 seconds to give a new set of editors the chance to make The Sun shine.

During the process The Sun so fondly knows as compet, these editors-to-be will step up to the plate and take on the late nights, take out the Oxford commas and work toward being elected into an editorship on the 138th Editorial Board.

Though it will be a very stark change of pace for those of us on the 137th Editorial Board, we will take a step back, to allow these editors the chance to learn and grow. Come March, they lead The Sun into a new year with their names glowing brightly on the masthead that has held its former editors’ names since 1880. Until then, we can find the names of the diligent workers listed under the “Working on Today’s Sun” section under the masthead.

We can only hope to guide them as seamlessly as possible through the process of becoming a Sun editor. But along with this transition will come some slip-ups and some goofs. It is all a part of the process and a necessary evil in keeping our next slate of editors sharp, adaptable, innovative and hard-working. Any feedback from our community during this period of trials and errors is important in an effort to keep improving our institution.

And with a quick goodbye, the editors of the 137th wish the new compets the best of luck as they embark on a six-week journey that can very well change their life.
