EDITORIAL | Cornell Is Run by a War Profiteer

As a man profiting off of the scholasticide in Gaza — the destruction of every single university in the territory — he has no place in a leadership position at this University, no less one of the most powerful roles. In a just world, Cornell would shun alumni like Kayser, not give them the keys to the castle. 

EDITORIAL | The Sun Calls for a Community Day

At the end of the day, the value of our education at Cornell is contingent upon our ability to take full advantage of it. When the conditions of our country, our town and our campus become too overwhelming, too dangerous to focus, we need to be able to step back and focus on recentering our community. Kotlikoff this semester has deluged our inboxes with more email statements vowing to punish students than promising to help build us up, and that just about sums up the legacy he’s making for himself. 

EDITORIAL | Ban the Frats

The problem runs deep at Cornell. It’s deeper than any one frat, deeper than any generation of students and certainly deeper than can be solved with any one action or suspension. It’s the result of misogynistic, hierarchical organizations that are themselves rotten to the core.

EDITORIAL | Cornell Unjustly Punished a Pro-Palestinian Activist

When it comes to suspensions — particularly for international students who risk losing their visas — the burden of proof must be high, and the process must be transparent and fair to those being disciplined, no matter their political views. The University failed on both points: A student activist is facing serious, disproportionate consequences without the ability to defend himself.