YANG | Be Vigilant, Remain Calm and Stop Hoarding Masks

When I woke up Monday morning, I never expected that my parents would call me. These days it would most certainly be me calling them, updating them about my dismal law school applications so far or asking for an update on the coronavirus situation back home. And I certainly didn’t expect my parents to ask me how bad the coronavirus outbreak in America was. The situation in America and other areas outside of China is certainly alarming. According to the latest Center for Disease Control DC update, 60 cases of the virus have been reported in 12 states of the United States.

YANG | Who Is a Chinese Patriot?

Being a Chinese who holds dissident views is weird. You face all kinds of stereotypes, from being antisocial to just a dangerous person. One accusation of character, however, stands out, and it is perhaps one that I am most afraid of: that I am an unpatriotic Chinese. As a Chinese studying abroad, this allegation is perhaps one that I am most insecure about. It is often a devastating punch too.