The Art of Deception 

In the beautiful city of Pisa, Italy, a chilling exhibition took place a little over a week ago in the heart of a historic palazzo. Passersby could stumble upon an art show featuring 450 works by renowned artists like Gustav Klimt, Salvador Dalí, Andy Warhol and others. A beautiful day, right? But what if I told you that every single piece was a fake? Not just poorly made replicas, but high-end counterfeits — scarily authenticated by experts.

YANDAVA | Fictions of the Self

“Write what you know” is one of the writing clichés I have come to despise. Often, I find that I don’t know what I think or feel until I write, and even then, in the very moment of writing, I have a vague sense that perhaps I am only making things up, only pouring my experience into the mold of a voice congealed out of everything I’ve ever read or watched or heard, that none of this is really “me” at all, and in the last analysis, I am forced to concur with Montaigne: Que sçais-je?