Arts & Culture
KUDVA DRISKELL | Do You Think Freely?
Online, we treat ourselves as free actors despite corporate interests, which create hyper-personalized content that is in no way randomly disseminated.
The Cornell Daily Sun (
Online, we treat ourselves as free actors despite corporate interests, which create hyper-personalized content that is in no way randomly disseminated.
I’m a mess in the kitchen, both literally and figuratively — just ask my roommate. When I moved to Collegetown my sophomore year, my roommate and I figured out a solid routine: I cook and she cleans. This works for us because I would like to think of myself as a relatively decent chef, but I am a HORRIBLE dishwasher. My kitchen techniques definitely leave much to be desired (more on that later), but I enjoy cooking and sharing it with others. I don’t like recipes.
It becomes increasingly challenging in the digital age to replicate the experience of getting into a zone at a movie theater.
Good things have certainly sprung from TikTok — whether you see it as the embarrassment of Trump’s Tulsa rally or the inspiration of watching someone sew a dress from scratch — but so have the sinister parts of its nature. Many point to the app’s addictive design, but for me, it’s the high potential of losing myself in a TikTok reality.
The medium demands multiple senses, our full attention, tearing us away at least for a few minutes from the relentless multi-tasking that has become our society’s default mode.
Disco thrived on a disruption of the status quo and a total refusal of the value system that prevailed at the time it was created.
My perception of what it means to be human has been vehemently challenged by the onslaught of radical changes.
The show must go on, and it’s time for me to overcome my stage fright, to become the person I need to be.
Although music and art don’t have magical healing powers (I’m the sort of person who tends to frown upon the sometimes simplistic view of art as therapy), I have often found that they unblock emotions that the grind of daily life forces me to suppress out of the necessity to function in the world.
My experience may explain why experimental filmmakers have to work with low budget and under other sub-optimal conditions — you simply don’t get much support anywhere, financial or otherwise.