Cornell Tech Students Make App for Filtering Sarcastic Reviews

A group of Cornell Tech students has created a mobile application named TruRatr, which automatically detects sarcasm in consumer app reviews, according to Christopher Hong, a Bloomberg LP software developer and the project’s mentor. TruRatr weeds out misleading product reviews based on language sentiment, leaving viewers with only genuine assessments. Consumers will be able to use authentic information to make well-informed purchases without having to sift through hundreds of reviews, according to tech magazine ArsTechnica. Currently, the app also removes sarcastic reviews from app pages and revises the product’s rating to account for the change. “Whether a review is sarcastic or not is not determined by a simple formula, but by a machine learning algorithm.” — Ming ChenThe team of six students, who are studying topics from mechanical engineering to computer science to business, started designing the app last fall in a collaboration between Cornell Tech and Bloomberg, according to ArsTechnica.