Arts & Culture
YANG | Hey, Stephen, Are We Cyborgs Now?
My perception of what it means to be human has been vehemently challenged by the onslaught of radical changes.
The Cornell Daily Sun (
My perception of what it means to be human has been vehemently challenged by the onslaught of radical changes.
I’m writing this review disappointed and I’m surprised to say it’s not with the movie. To be totally honest with you I was ready to cash in this review (not that I’m paid for these). In a lecture today the professor said the specifics of the slides wouldn’t be on the final so like any upstanding, journalistically-ethical Cornellian I totally checked out, ripped a page out of the back of my notebook and hammered out my opening paragraphs. I had this whole thing written where I compared the Marvel and DC matchup to a football game where DC was being forced to throw it deep on first down. I expected DC settle for a field goal with Justice League after Wonder Woman put them squarely in the red zone.