From Kimchi to Beer: The Wonders of Bacteria
Bacteria get a bad rap, but despite common misconception, they’re not the villains we’ve made them out to be.
The Cornell Daily Sun (
Bacteria get a bad rap, but despite common misconception, they’re not the villains we’ve made them out to be.
I ran behind my mother as she walked toward the front door. I followed her knowing she was headed to the market. She looked back at me and smiled; she knew I never missed Saturday grocery shopping. She held my hand tight as I jumped around, the sun guiding our path to the market. As we stepped on rocks to cross the train rails, I finally saw the women selling chicha morada (sweet purple corn drink) by the entrance.
“The amount of grain that you use and the amount of water that you use to cook the grain, has an impact on how much sugar you get in the solution before it’s fermented into alcohol; that is directly related to the alcohol content of the final beer,” Bershaw said.