Frank Warren
‘Most Trusted Stranger in America’ Reflects on PostSecret’s Beginnings
Known as the “the most trusted stranger in America,” Frank Warren — creator of the popular blog PostSecret — spoke at Bailey Hall Friday about how he got people from all over the world to send him their secrets and even shared a few with the audience. Warren started PostSecret in 2004 in Washington, D.C. as a community art project where he handed out postcards to strangers and asked them to send in their secrets anonymously so that he could post them on his website. His site, which went viral in a short period of time, has received over 500 million hits from people looking at secrets from all over the world. “I knew that if I could really earn the trust of strangers to share their deepest secrets with me, [it would be] something really special,” Warren said. “I didn’t expect that almost instantly, millions of people would respond to it so strongly.