WILK | Faking it Until You Don’t Want to Make it Anymore

I was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society in seventh grade. Our mentors were eighth-graders seasoned by nothing more than hours of community service that most either forged or substituted for familial favors. Following their footsteps, we were to stand in the middle school gymnasium and be introduced to the families of spectators in the bleachers, ending with our career aspirations. I was freshly thirteen and my future plans were far from concrete.

MEHLER | You Should Walk to Class

If you choose to ignore the headphone request, walking to class lets you see how beautiful and gorgeous our home really is.  Seeing people sled down the slope past you as you huff and puff up the Slope.  Watching the line for Okenshields stretch outside of Willard Straight Hall.  Sharing a wave and a smile with someone you think you know but you might not and oh well they’ve already passed me.

SPARACIO | In Stride: A Return to Walking to Class

That sweaty August day marked the beginning of a most unprecedented freshmen year; a year full of Q-tip COVID tests, zoom classes, mask wearing and an unfettered hatred for the word unprecedented. New codes of conduct and behavioral contracts created what was deemed the “new normal” which fostered the creation of many new habits among the student body. For many students the walk to class no longer existed. Some replaced it by rolling out of bed, some by listening to class in bed, others by creating a walk of their own whether that be to their favorite study spot or to a building where the echoes of everyone’s zoom conversations bounced off the walls, an amalgamation of different subject matters that enlivened our senses.  

MEIDENBAUER | Facetime to Face Time

The shift to in-person classes is great for many reasons, but there are downsides.  While I enjoy being around people, engrossed in the joys of face-to-face interaction, it’s still overwhelming.  We went from a year of complete isolation, to somewhat being back, to now returning to “normal”.  I totally forgot how to interact with humans, and I’m hoping I’m not the only one. 

DO | The Sophomore Slump (Class of 2024 Edition)

“The part of my brain that indulged in the isolation is constantly at odds with my own worries about leaving Cornell without a close group of friends. In-person classes were supposed to be the shot of adrenaline that my social life needed, but the reality is turning out to be something different. Everyone’s talking about how great it is to be back on campus, but for plenty of sophomores, there’s not much to come back to.”