Arts & Culture
Clothing brand Supreme’s second full length video picks up where its predecessor cherry left off, capturing its star-studded roster at the height of the brand’s powers. Director Bill Strobeck turns his vision up a notch. He captures some of the most unique personalities in skateboarding while also taking viewers on an emotional rollercoaster before ultimately leading to Tyshawn Jones’s Skater of the Year sequence to cap off one of 2018’s best videos. BLESSED begins with a declaration of intent, beginning right where Strobeck left off with Supreme, opening with Na-kel Smith nollie hardflipping the same three block he infamously slammed in 2016’s short video, Pussy Gangster. The skating gets no less astronomical as the video progresses, from Ben Kadow taking some of the heaviest slams imaginable to Vincent Touzery and Kevin Rodrigues creating some of the most inventive combinations possible.