March 4, 2008

Pan-African Scholars Host Africa Week 2008

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This week, the coalition of Pan-African Scholars is sponsoring the fourth annual Africa Week. This year’s theme is “A Decent Dissent: Cultural Activism Towards a Sustainable Africa.”
Throughout the week, lecturers, artists and vendors will come together to “celebrate the diversity and splendor of African peoples, cultures and forms,” according to the Africa Week 2008 website.[img_assist|nid=28506|title=Word power|desc=As part of Africa Week 2008, the Coalition of Pan-African Scholars presented Dr. Micere Mugo, a professor from Syracuse University, who delivered a lecture about poetry and cultural activism yesterday in Kaufmann Auditorium.|link=node|align=left|width=|height=0]
Funmi Ojetayo ’08, director of communications for the Pan-African Scholars said he wants to present current issues Africa is facing “in a culturally relevant way.”
Today, there will be an exhibit called “Art for a Good Cause” in the Straight Gallery Room from 11 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. During the exhibit, donations will be collected in order to send computers to a school in Ghana.
Tomorrow’s feature event is “Amandla: A Revolution in Four Part Harmony,” a documentary about the role of music in apartheid South Africa.
There will be a seminar called “Narrowing the Legitimacy Gap: the Role of Turnovers In Africa’s Emerging Democracies” on Thursday, and the Afrik! Fashion Show on Friday.
The week will conclude with the annual “Ghanaians @ Cornell” banquet on Saturday night.