Humidity is the arch nemesis to the campus couture cult. All the time invested into looking your best goes to waste when the dreadful mugginess melts the perfectly applied mascara and eyeliner and completely denatures the secret formula in the so-called extra strength super gel. That once precise black line rimming your eyes melts, giving you that awful raccoon effect, and the gravity-defying hair sculpture collapses into a sad, limpy mop, leaving you a drenched and depressed mess.
Our days as soggy fashion victims to the cruel natural elements appear to be many, seeing that it always seems to be raining in Ithaca, so we’ll just have to concede defeat and face that fact that we can’t be dressed to the nines everyday.
But you don’t need to let the endless drizzle rain on your fashion parade! With the strength of a sturdy, water-resistant raincoat, you can effectively resist the counterproductive effects of moisture and humidity to still preserve the picture perfect, instead of the drippingly drenched, you.
Classic trench coats are great for warding off the droplets in high style. You’ll exude a cool, mysterious aura, sort of like the one given off by Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman in their sleek jackets and tilted fedora hats in Casablanca.
There’s also the more practical option of investing in a North Face jacket, which have all those high tech options of down insulation and slick water/wind defying fabrics, or an even more economical choice of a cheap plastic poncho. But those look so big, bulky and overly function, and we’d like to look more Audrey Hepburn rather than Alaskan Eskimo, so, keeping that in mind, here are some options of raincoats that are both aesthetically pleasing and utilitarian in nature.
HIM: Brooks Brothers, BrooksStorm Car Coat $498.00
HER: Burberry, “Isabella” Coat $495.00
HIM: Banana Republic, Chino Macintosh $99.99
HER: Gap, Easy Trench $39.99
Archived article by Sherry Jun