Tomorrow is a great day. Not only do we not have classes, but most of us are lucky enough to go home, spend time with our families and eat a lot of really good food. For those of us living in Collegetown, it could quite possibly be our first meal that wasn’t pulled from a small green box in the back of the freezer or delivered.
We get to see all of those places that were way too cool in high school, and try to remember that guy who sat next to us in ninth grade English that we never really talked to but is suddenly our best friend when we return to town and head out Thanksgiving night.
We get to watch the Thanksgiving Day parade. I still get excited when I see Santa. He usually rounds the corner of Fifth Avenue at just about the same time I round the corner of my bedroom to hear my parents yell, “He’s here Kristen, he’s here.” Oh and then I think there might be some football games on the TV, too.
Most importantly we have this time to be thankful for all of the wonderful things we have. Here are some of the things that I am thankful for this season:
Thank you to Cornell for giving me so much homework that I never venture outside of my bedroom. No seriously, my roommates forget that I am in there. I get messages two days later when I finally venture out for, well for my sanity. They remark, “Oh you’re here, we’ve been telling everyone that you were at the library or something.” Guys, two days, I swear, even if I tried to hide in the stacks they’d find me and kick me out. Although I do speak from experience when I warn that you can and will get locked in the stairwell of the other Uris if you lurk around after hours. Stay away. Trust me on this one!
Thank you also to Cornell for having too many libraries to count, so even if my roommates wanted to find me in one of them, they probably couldn’t. Although truth be told, I’m a big fan of the cocktail lounge, if and when I do ever venture to the library.
Thank you to all of the great Cornell coaches who help guide our athletes day in and day out. Your enthusiasm is remarkable. And thank you for putting up with us reporters and our questions every night. You have no idea how nice it is to sit back in an athletic office and just chat. Their patience and thoroughness is admirable. Makes you wonder why you ever stopped playing.
Thank you to all the captains who also put up with us reporters every night. Extra thank yous for those nights you have two prelims to study for and still talk.
Thank you for reruns of Seinfeld. Fox should be praised every day just for replaying one of the best television shows ever.
Thank you to the hockey team for showing Harvard how to play hockey, and for bringing some glory and honor to this school.
Thank you to the hockey fans that defied the rules and still brought fish to Lynah. Also thanks for being the best fans in the Ivy League, in general. With so little school spirit at Cornell it’s disappointing that there was even an attempt to limit the best show of spirit on campus.
Thank you to That is just about the coolest invention ever. Just when you thought college students couldn’t get any lazier, they can. All I have to do is sign on to my computer, hit click and then enter. Then twenty minutes later I have food at my door, and for free! Do I really need to graduate in May?
Thank you to my new Wrestling tutor. I might just begin to understand this sport and maybe a column might just arise.
Thank you to the coolest SIDs ever!
Thank you to all of the athletes who I have had the privilege of covering and chatting with. I promise you, I have never left an interview without a good laugh.
Finally, thank you to Carol Admoiak the true backbone of the Communication Department. Carol is retiring at the end of this semester, and I think I speak for all comm students when I say she will be missed. There is no one with which I would rather talk about Notre Dame football or actually any topic. Thank you for everything.
That’s it for me. So, whatever your plans: Enjoy, and Happy Thanksgiving. I’m going to go and relax and try to catch up on the sleep I have forgone in the past few weeks, or months for one reason or another. See you next semester.
Archived article by Kristen Haunss