Move Over “Joe Millionaire”
Much of America jumped on the reality show bandwagon when the first “Survivor” debuted. Fast forward a couple years and we’re going gaga over “Joe Millionaire” and his phony fortune. In the works is another reality show vying to become the latest ratings buster.
According to E! News Online, ABC is currently casting a new reality series entitled “The Swap.” The premise? Two lucky women each week will swap husbands, kids, and homes for 10 days.
The show takes its name and concept from an immensely popular British show entitled “Wife Swap.” The British version delivered 3.7 million viewers for the premiere, and has improved since, raking in 6 million last week. The network figures the next logical step would be to give it a test run in America.
But if you’re expecting some extramarital hanky-panky, you might be disappointed. After all, this is ABC, not Fox. “It’s a good title,” said executive producer Michael Davies, “but it’s got nothing to do with swinging ’70s wife-swapping parties.” Drat.
Sadly, there are no plans for a spin-off where men swap families. “A lot of times when a man leaves the house nobody notices,” said Davies. Hey, aren’t we the ones who buy all the wrong items at the grocery store, and lament non-stop about how much better our bachelor days were? And you say nobody would notice if we took off?
Pearl Jam Hitting the Road
Pearl Jam has announced a 48-date U.S. tour behind their new album Riot Act. The tour begins April 1 in Denver, and finishes with a two night New York City blowout at Madison Square Garden on July 8-9. According to, the band will make available “bootlegs” to document each night’s show as it did with the 2000 Biaural tour. Speaking of bootlegs, a free complete download of the new album Riot Act is available on the internet from a variety of less than legal websites and file sharing programs.
Caught With His Cyber Pants Down
Last year proved to be less than stellar for singer R. Kelly. And it looks like the misery is continuing in 2003. According to CNN he was arrested in Florida on child pornography charges