Now that school and the Ithaca winter weather are back in full swing, it’s time to return to the same-old grind of classes and homework, meetings and social commitments. Snapping back into reality after a long winter break can be tough. Perhaps the best way to add a little spice to your life is by starting with your wardrobe. A few simple feel-good changes can go a long way towards brightening any occasion.
Trench Coat
The trench coat is back in a big way, so look for much more of it this spring. You’ll like its classy, clean look that can work for just about any occasion. Find one with feminine details, like girly colors, satin sash waist, or eclectic prints. Or steal a vintage version from in the back of your mom’s closet.
You don’t have to associate the simple flat with you grandma anymore. They’re back with a new kick of style and are oh-so much more comfortable for long walks across campus. Look for tiny details like bows or scalloped edges and materials like leather or faux suede.
Cashmere zip-up
Sporty, comfortable, and perfect for daytime, nothing does it better than a plain old zip-front sweater. Or does it? Make it cashmere and you’ll be in sweater heaven. Elbow patches or contrasting colors are nice, added details, but be sure to find one that’s warm.
Ribbon Belts
You know you can wear a ribbon with any set of jeans to add a little feminine spice. So now try it with your weekend wear. A satin ribbon can work over a dress, casual skirt, or even with a nice pair of slacks. And you don’t have to break the bank for this accessory. You can also pick up ribbons at any craft store and make your own.
Suit Jacket
Tailored suit jackets of all kinds are popping up in going-out attire everywhere, especially in fabrics like tweed or corduroy. But more standard suit jackets can work for you, too. Make some use out of that interview jacket you’ve been storing in the back of your closet, or look for something with a unique twist.
Sparkling Bag
Nothing adds a little glamour to your evening attire better than a sparkling accessory. Don’t just think jewelry — it works for handbags as well. Pair it with a dress or a nice pair of jeans. Either way, it will make your evening out sparkle just a little bit more.
Archived article by Laura Borden