April 7, 2005

Campus Couture

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Predicting the Ithaca weather is almost as difficult as finding a parking spot on campus. All of us have left for class on a lovely sunny day only to get caught in a freak rainstorm with nothing to cover our heads. This April, resolve not only to be prepared for those surprise showers, but to brave the elements in style as well.

Olive & Bette’s Boots

Yes, these are the same boots that you wore as a kid when all you wanted to do was splash around in the mud puddles. Now, instead of traditional yellow galoshes, you can sport them in any pattern or color imaginable. You’ll be surprised how much fun it is to run straight through those puddles instead of just going around them.

Burberry Umbrella

If you’re a girl who has everything, why settle for a boring black umbrella when you can stand out from the crowd with a posh designer version? Burberry’s cute umbrella features clear panels and that ubiquitous novacheck trim. The best part is that this umbrella is deep instead of wide, so you don’t have to worry about knocking people off the sidewalk or poking anyone’s eye out!

Michael Kors Coat

Is anything more difficult than crawling out of a warm bed to go to class? How about crawling out of a warm bed to go to class when it’s miserable and gray outside? This brightly-colored trench coat is just what you need to brighten up a gloomy day. Who knows, it might even give you the incentive you need to get to that 8:40 a.m. class for the first time this semester.

Princess Tina Anorak

Anyone who’s ever worn a leather or suede jacket during an unexpected downpour probably wishes that they had one of these stashed in their bag. This anorak (cleverly adorned with a raindrop design) is a necessity for Ithaca’s ever-changing weather, so I recommend you keep one of them with you at all times — just in case!

Rafe Rain Shoes

If galoshes aren’t really your style, check out these rubber rain shoes. They look like basic canvas slip-on sneakers but have the same waterproof quality as rain boots — plus, they come in three bright, fun patterns. Ok, so maybe they don’t measure up to your beloved Pumas, but suffering through the day with squelchy sneakers and soaking socks just isn’t fun!

Kate Spade Messenger Bag

Don’t show up to class and hand in soggy, ink-blurred homework! Store your cell-phone, books, wallet and all of your necessities in this waterproof (but stylish) messenger bag. The pink is bright and cheery, but it also comes in black and camel. You can’t go wrong with this one, girls!

Archived article by Katie Azzaro
Sun Staff Writer