Adventures in Snacking
It’s the Friday before the Friday before spring break officially starts and that means … It’s spring break right now! No matter where your final destination is, you have to leave Ithaca ASAP. If you travel by bus, car, plane or train (train?) you have to have great snacks for the road. During my three years at Cornell, I have driven back and forth thousands of miles between Long Island and Ithaca, so between my love for authentic ironic t-shirts and my penchant for drinking huge sodas five minutes into the trip, I have stopped at almost every exit on the 250-mile stretch. Buckle up because you are about to drive home in style. (Flying to your final destination? Stick around ‘till the last paragraph and witness the Charlie Niesenbaum Snack That Is Guaranteed to Make Everyone Else on the Plane Super Jealous™).