The Cornell University Police Department found a 350-pound statue that went missing from Sibley Hall over the weekend in an unnamed off-campus fraternity house yesterday morning, the University reported yesterday.
The statue – a six foot long, three foot high plaster of paris replica of an original statue of Sleeping Ariadne , a goddess of Greek mythology – was discovered missing Monday morning by a building manager. [img_assist|nid=23550|title=Sleeping Adriane.|desc=Courtesy of Cornell University “Sleeping Adriane,” a 350-pound statue that was discovered missing Monday, has been returned to University property.|link=node|align=left|width=100|height=75]
The statue is part of a large collection acquired by A.D. White, the first president of Cornell, in the 1890s, according to a press release. Cornell estimates the value of the statue to be between $5,000 and $20,000.
“It’s a valuable member of the collection,” said Simeon Moss, director of the Cornell Press Office.
The University said that there was slight damage done to the statue, but the extent of the damages is still being evaluated.
The statue was removed from the fraternity to University property.