Hello everyone, and welcome to the new CornellSun.com!
This summer, we’ve been working very hard at The Sun to improve our site in anticipation of an exciting new semester. The site that sits before you now is the end product of those many weeks of sweat and late-night coding sessions, all wrapped up in one digital bundle of joy.
We’ve got a lot in store for CornellSun.com this semester. Over the summer we had several bloggers sending in their thoughts from all over the world. Many of these blogs will continue into the academic year, and new ones will surely join them. Additionally, we will be widely expanding our multimedia content offerings, starting very soon. Watch this space for exciting video coverage of news and events across campus and across town.
Ultimately, though, we are most happy about this upgrade because we feel that it organizes the most critical information on our site—that is, our articles—in a fashion that will be more natural to navigate. You should find that performance has improved across the board, and the built-in search engine should be able to find things more precisely.
I extend my thanks to all of you for bearing with us while we transitioned to the new site. Hopefully our site was worth the wait, but as with the rest of the paper it will continue to be a work in progress. Please let us know what you think works and what you think doesn’t, and we will continue to provide you a better and better CornellSun.com. Thanks for coming, and we invite you to return often. There’s plenty here to explore and discover, and there’s plenty more coming, and we think you’ll like it.