March 1, 2010

SciPreview: Sustainability, Biofuel, and Slaughterhouses

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Why is ethanol-based gasoline creating an entirely new issue for sustainability? How is sugarcane-based ethanol hurting the Brazilian people? And can researchers truly solve the issue of fossil fuel production? An examination of the research of Prof. Luiz Martinell, from University of São Paulo in Brazil, will change the way you look at ethanol production in Brazil and the USA.

How do engineers construct modern wind turbines? What tools do they use to overcome nature’s powerful forces and to maximize results? And what is an “ideal actuator” really? Rohit Shenoy’s seminar last Thursday reveals how MathWork’s newest computer programs are maximizing the rewards of wind power.

What factors affect livestock behavior? How can livestock be treated better while maximizing profit? And who designs those slaughterhouses anyway? A review of Dr. Temple Grandin’s research from Colorado State University investigates the science behind slaughterhouses and livestock behavior.

Pick-up the Wednesday, March 3 edition of The Cornell Daily Sun, and check-out your science section to answer these and other questions.

Plus, the science section will look at research from around the Ivy League, including bacteria turning gears, dinosaurs with colorful feathers, and a natural molecule that may attack your metabolism.

Original Author: A. Drew Muscente