To the Editor:
Re: “Ethics, Everyday-Style,” Opinion, Aug. 31
We deplore the poor and irresponsible advice offered to “Nervous Katy Perry Fan” by the author. Choosing not to come out is not dishonest. It may be done for a variety of reasons, not the least of which are the preservation of life, physical health and mental health. Furthermore, what the author (and NKPF, for that matter) attribute to discomfort, we attribute to bigotry. Not every woman is made uncomfortable by lesbians, and those that are may want to examine why that might be. There is no reason to think that NKPF’s possible lesbianism should negatively affect the lives of her sorority sisters in any way. Coming out may be a major decision, or it may be a small one. Whatever the choice NKPF makes, choosing not to come out is not the same as lying, and the possible reactions of her sorority sisters will not be her fault.
Catherine Lussenhop ’11 Lauren Schneider ’11