Students Bring Art to Prisoners

Yesterday marked the opening night of “Voice,” a collection of artwork created by young women of the Lansing Residential Center, a medium security juvenile detention center just outside of Ithaca.

Prof Talks on Status of AIDS

For the first of the College of Human Ecology’s Global Health Lecture Series, Prof. Roy M. Gulick, medicine, Weill Medical College, presented his lecture “HIV/Aids 2007: Where are we?”

Dr. Gulick researches clinical trials of antiretroviral therapies (ART), the drugs currently used to treat HIV. The lecture marks the beginning of a series of lectures that explores issues of global health with the ultimate goal to “create an innovative university-wide research and training program,” encompassing a number of different fields and studies according to Prof. Rebecca Stoltzfus, nutritional science, who both introduced and organized the lecture series.