FATTAL | Reading the Fine Print of the Kotlikoff Email

To some extent, the conversation, however tedious, is the point: the fact that we’re discussing the process or severity, rather than the policy itself — or god forbid the genocidal horrors Taal and others were protesting — takes up air and emboldens Kotlikoff.

FATTAL | The Feeling of Falling Uphill: Production Codes, Journeys and Destinations

What keeps you up at night? It’s like that dream where you show up to school and you’re wearing nothing but your underwear. Somehow, some way, you got to school, made it to the classroom — at one point you had the agency, some decision had to have been made. But now you’re here, and the agency you once had guided you to a place where choice has been lost. You are naked in front of the school. 

It’s like Hunter S. Thompson’s broken wave — a recognition that to surf, to succeed in the world, necessitates knowing that the wave will break and recede and disappear.

Filming Loneliness, Watching Alone

I’ve always liked watching movies alone; I haven’t had trouble going to the theaters alone since before I turned 18. But for a time earlier this year, I’d never done it quite so much, or in quite such a specific way.

SOLAR FLARE | Seasonal Affective Diaries

As it gets warmer — and it has been warm — I always find myself as excited for the impending summer as I am a bit melancholic about the end of another winter. There’s a specific vibe that’s lost, and whose wavelength I can’t help but love. I tried tracing how I’ve followed that winter this year — from the neverending nights of Northern Europe, to the warm lonely Western dreariness of Los Angeles, to the frigid longing for spring inevitable in Ithaca. The throughline makes sense mostly only in my head, but perhaps you’ll be able to follow me down the rabbit hole… 

1. Chinese Satellite by Phoebe Bridgers

I like those songs that you first and most listen to at your saddest.