Employee Assembly
Employee Assembly Evaluates Cornell’s Preparedness for Future Economic Recessions
The effects of the 2008 Great Recession were at the forefront of discussion during last Wednesday’s Employee Assembly meeting.
The Cornell Daily Sun (https://cornellsun.com/author/shawnhikosaka/)
The effects of the 2008 Great Recession were at the forefront of discussion during last Wednesday’s Employee Assembly meeting.
In a 22-1-0 vote, the Employee Assembly passed a resolution to divest from fossil fuels. Amidst two major protests surrounding divestment in the past week, the assembly argued that investing does not align with Cornell’s core values.
At an Employee Assembly meeting on Jan. 16, the future of the College of Human Ecology came into question.
Housing, community and well-being were among the key areas that Leading Cornell, a leadership program for Cornell employees, identified as the most pressing areas of concern for those employed by the University at Wednesday’s Employee Assembly.
From exploring planets beyond our solar system to researching exterrestrial life, Cornell’s new undergraduate minor in astrobiology, to be debuted next semester, will allow students interested in both astronomy and biology to study the “origins of life and life existing beyond the Earth,” according to Prof. Nikole Lewis, astronomy.
Historic Ithaca — a non-profit organization founded in 1966 to promote the preservation of local buildings — will invite the Ithaca Community to discuss the process of landmark and historic district designation this Thursday.
Members of the Employee Assembly met Thursday to try and tackle Cornell’s “difficult to manage” parking system that leads to multiple spots being unused and certain spots being underutilized.
“Be deeply skeptical of your own minds,” Harvard Prof. Mahzarin Banaji said to a full auditorium Monday evening.
Bergmann said she has received thousands of positive messages from people of all ages across the world, but also faced some criticism for her content by people who were upset that she didn’t acknowledge her privilege.
Mary Beth Grant ’88 shared her committee’s findings about the Chapter Review Board at Wednesday’s Employee Assembly meeting.