TEST SPINS | Etta James: ‘At Last!’

It’s almost Valentine’s Day, and there are countless albums and songs out there about love that get a few extra spins around this time of year, but to me, there is no song more romantic than Etta James’ “At Last.” However, despite being one of James’ most well-known songs and the title track of its record, it’s the only song in At Last! that sees James fulfilled in her love life. So while the Valentine’s Day atmosphere often besieges audiences with music extolling the cloud-nine feeling of being in love (which undoubtedly has its place), James’ At Last! offers a different perspective, exposing love for all its euphoric, messy glory. Let’s dive in.

TEST SPINS | Miley Cyrus: ‘Bangerz’

At their foundation, resolutions are motivated by a desire for change, whether it be intellectual growth, physical gain or emotional clarity. Sometimes, people take these resolutions a step further and use them as an opportunity to completely redefine who they are. You know the saying — “new year, new me.” Few artists embody this idea of transformation, of rejecting who they were in favor of an entirely new persona, like Miley Cyrus. With the release of Bangerz, Cyrus sent the world a very clear message: she is not Hannah Montana anymore. But then, who is she?

TEST SPINS | Mariah Carey: ‘Daydream’

Thanksgiving is over, and whether we want it to be or not, it is officially Mariah Carey season. It’s debatable whether that season starts right after Halloween or Thanksgiving, but there’s no denying it now — it’s time. In recent years, Mariah Carey has essentially become synonymous with Christmas music and the holiday season, with smash hits like “All I Want for Christmas Is You” blasting right back into the charts nearly every year. I, like most other people, can appreciate her for this; There must be something special about her and her music if songs she made almost 30 years ago are still being resurrected to the point where they top the charts. But I’d like to make a case for the rest of Carey’s discography — namely, her 1995 album Daydream.

TEST SPINS | Fleetwood Mac: ‘Rumours’

About a month ago, on Oct. 12, Stevie Nicks was the musical guest on Saturday Night Live, where she performed songs she released as a solo artist, including “The Lighthouse” and “Edge of Seventeen.” The performance was, unsurprisingly, great — the dominant stage presence, the vibrant vocals, the unrelenting eye contact; it was all there. Despite all that, in my eyes, there is no Stevie Nicks performance that will ever measure up to her rendition of “Silver Springs” off the deluxe version of Rumours with the rest of Fleetwood Mac at Warner Bros. Studios in May of 1997. Clips from this performance have been heavily circulating on social media in recent years, with people pointing out her withering stare towards the band’s guitarist and Nicks’ ex Lindsey Buckingham, and I can’t help but think of it whenever I hear any Fleetwood Mac song.

TEST SPINS | The Killers: ‘Hot Fuss’

I am a suffering Giants fan. I miss the days when I could rely on my team for a win, but it’s become clear that that’s a bygone era. Will I still watch every game in the purest form of masochism? Of course! But I’ve had to learn to win in other ways.

TEST SPINS | The Beatles: ‘Magical Mystery Tour’

A couple weeks ago, I wore a t-shirt that said “Love is all you need.” “Beatles?” confirmed a guy I know, to which I nodded. Later that day, I was talking to this guy about Test Spins, wondering which album I should review next. His suggestion was The Beatles. My initial reaction? “That’s so basic.” He then pointed out that I was in fact wearing a Beatles shirt (a fair point).

TEST SPINS | Arctic Monkeys: ‘AM’

There’s something about the Arctic Monkeys’ music that absolutely screams October to me. Maybe it’s a murky combination of factors, maybe it’s just the vibe, but it’s something I haven’t ever been able to completely put my finger on, yet have always felt. No Arctic Monkeys record gives me this feeling more than AM (2013). This week, I decided to dive back into the album to pinpoint why it is that the Arctic Monkeys are just so October. Kicking off the album is “Do I Wanna Know?” with that iconic, instantly-recognizable opening riff. “Do I Wanna Know?” was the second single off AM and sees lead singer Alex Turner obsessively analyzing his relationship with the masterful lyricism he’s known for: “Been wonderin’ if your heart’s still open / And if so, I wanna know what time it shuts / Simmer down and pucker up, I’m sorry to interrupt / It’s just I’m constantly on the cusp of tryin’ to kiss you” he confesses.

TEST SPINS | Earth, Wind & Fire: ‘I Am’

Last Saturday evening we celebrated a national holiday. You know which one — the 21st night of September! This past summer, I had the opportunity to see Earth, Wind & Fire (the group responsible for “September”), along with the band Chicago, in concert. I’ll be honest — I enjoy some Earth, Wind & Fire songs, but I’d been trying to get tickets to see Chicago for years, and Earth, Wind & Fire just happened to be a bonus. Chicago was (unsurprisingly) amazing, but I walked out of that concert as a newly minted Earth, Wind & Fire fan.

TEST SPINS | Aerosmith: ‘Permanent Vacation’

In August, Aerosmith announced that their already-postponed farewell tour was canceled and that they were retiring from touring as a result of lead singer Steven Tyler’s vocal injury. This broke my heart. Aerosmith was the first rock band I ever loved. “I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing,” “Crazy,” “Dream On,” “Walk This Way” … it just didn’t get any better. I remain a steadfast Aerosmith fan to this day and was crushed when I found out I would never see them on tour.

TEST SPINS | Justin Bieber: ‘My World 2.0’

I’ll say it: I was a Belieber in my youth. So much so, in fact, that my first grade backpack had Justin Bieber’s face on it. More specifically, it featured the album cover of My World 2.0 — the 2010 record that constituted much of the soundtrack to my childhood. I haven’t been quite such a passionate Justin Bieber fan in many years, but I can still appreciate a good JB track when I hear it. This week, in honor of our return to school and that magnificent little backpack, I decided to jump back into My World 2.0.