Anabel's Grocery is located in Ann Taylor Hall and operated primarily by students.

Anabel’s Grocery: Just Your Friendly Neighborhood Grocery Store

“This place will be my new home for the next four years,” I muttered to myself as I lay my eyes on the soaring Clock Tower. It’s my first time being on my own, far from home for so long, and a sense of loneliness stirred inside of me. My lingering desolation deepened for every step I sauntered down Ho Plaza. Outside of the Cornell Store, waves of incoming freshmen paraded with their parents, swinging their carnelian red bags after getting Cornell merchandise for the family. 

As I squirmed through the crowd, I found myself outside of Anabel Taylor Hall. On the sidewalk, a person with an apron saying “Anabel’s Grocery” was passing out cups of kombucha.