Ithaca Bikeshare – A Comprehensive Guide to Ithaca’s Newest Transportation Option
Ithaca’s Center for Community Transport launched a new, community-owned bikeshare service, Ithaca Bikeshare, in November.
The Cornell Daily Sun (
Ithaca’s Center for Community Transport launched a new, community-owned bikeshare service, Ithaca Bikeshare, in November.
Cornell researchers, Prof. David Shmoys and Daniel Freund, Ph.D. ’18, have been working for over four years to help develop key innovations to improve the current bike programs in New York City.
“We hope that bikeshare will expand to cover uphill areas like Collegetown and maybe even Cornell,” Chang said.
“It will be a really excellent thing for people on campus to get excited about, and it will help us start building other bike programs. It’s about getting people really comfortable about where they want to go, all on two wheels,” said Susan Powell, active transportation coordinator for transportation services.