Cornell Chorus to Host Annual Twilight Concert
This weekend, Cornell Chorus will celebrate their 100th year at Cornell with their annual Twilight performance.
The Cornell Daily Sun (
This weekend, Cornell Chorus will celebrate their 100th year at Cornell with their annual Twilight performance.
1916, one hundred years on, is still considered the fulcrum upon which the fate of the European 20th century hung. As the surface of a pond agitates and ripples outward when a stone is thrown into its depths, so too did the fabric of Europe itself writhe and contort as the twin Furies of war and revolution waxed, their jaws grinding and their bat-like wings outstretched in horrid pride. Nearly 20,000 young British men died on the first day of the Battle of the Somme alone; the Battle of Verdun, the centennial of which falls at the end of this month, remains an objective standard of Hell more unearthly than anything Dante or Hieronymus Bosch could ever hope to concoct. The grand chessboard of empires pitting their mettle against one another lost the respectable sheen of Napoleonic line fighting and became thinly veiled wholesale slaughter. I am not, however, concerned with the strictly martial aspect of the year, despite the looming shadow the Great War casts over it.
In celebration of its 100 year anniversary, the Department of Development Sociology will welcome alumni back to the Hill this weekend for a two-day event. Housed within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, development sociology focuses on research and applied work in current political, economic, cultural and social change. The department has a graduate program, consisting of about 40 students, and an undergraduate major in which 128 students are enrolled. The celebration, set to take place Friday and Saturday, will revolve around the theme of “Looking Back to Move Forward.” Several alumni will speak on panels that concern both the past and future of development sociology. Prof. Julie Zimmerman ’97, rural sociology, University of Kentucky, who was tasked with writing a monograph to commemorate the occasion, will deliver the opening speech Friday, highlighting the department’s history.