Seven Cornell Faculty awarded prestigious AAAS Fellowship

This year seven Cornell faculty members were awarded as American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellows, a distinguished group of scientists, engineers and innovators who have been recognized for their achievements across disciplines. From the crossroads of economics and agriculture to Alzheimer’s research and engineering, these faculty members display new research that Cornell boasts. 

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Re: ‘Cornell’s Student Assembly: Is This What Democracy Looks Like?’

To the Editor:

Having been a student in two international graduate programs as well as a facilitator in many international training courses, the intercultural interactions are usually extremely enriching, while working through the normal friction that arises with differences. I have fond memories of one colleague who managed to hijack just about any topic with lengthy commentary on social justice issues. When you were sleep-deprived and merely wanted to absorb the information from a lecture that was crucial for an exam or finishing a paper, it could be intensely irritating. Nevertheless, there was always a kernel of truth in the injustices he pointed out. The professors were reasonably adept at weaving the discussion back to the original objectives of the lecture while valuing his often tangential input.