Ways and Means Committee Chairman Challenges Cornell’s Tax-Exempt Status Over Response to Hamas Attacks, Treatment of Jewish Students

Chairman Jason Smith (R-M.O.) of the Ways and Means Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives sent a letter to Cornell President Martha Pollack that called into question the University’s tax-exempt status, citing what he deemed as Cornell’s “failure to adequately protect Jewish students from discrimination and harassment.”

GUEST ROOM | Holding Prof. Rickford Accountable

Just over a week later, Mahmoud Abbas, the President of the Palestinian Authority condemned Hamas’ actions, stating that they do not represent the Palestinian people. The same day, on Sunday, Oct. 16, Cornell University Prof. Russel Rickford, history, called Hamas’ actions “exhilarating” and “energizing.” Instead of condemning acts of terrorism, Professor Rickford celebrated Hamas’s actions as they “changed the balance of power” in Israel. Professor Rickford’s words stand in stark contrast to the values of Cornell University’s ideal of “free and open inquiry and expression.” We cannot stand idly by as students are traumatized by hateful speech from a professor, as this creates a culture of fear of presenting alternative perspectives, lest their academic standing suffer.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Re: “Cornellians Mourn, Demand University Acknowledge Palestinians at Students for Justice in Palestine Vigil”

If SJP cared about Palestinian values, they would condemn Hamas’s intentional slaughter of innocent civilians rather than suggest that Palestinians’ “right to resistance” includes gang-raping women and burning children.  If SJP cared about Palestinians’ welfare, they would call upon Hamas to stop using Gazans as human shields and allow civilians to flee Hamas strongholds.